Spring home essentials


With Spring around the corner, I can really enjoy the afternoon sun in our dining room and I immediately get the urge to clean our home and rearrange the furniture.

The exact same feeling get to me when I see these images of Hay. Sunbeams on a favorite chair, getting the home tidy with a beautiful clean laundry basket and rearranging my glassware and realizing I can really add a new carafe.

And as springtime often inspires us to clean and rearrange our homes and yards, it’s also good for our mental and emotional spaces: our thoughts and feelings. Just as it feels good to walk into an organized closet or enjoy a sparkling hardwood floor, mentally, a spring-cleaning can provide a boost and a sense of relief and accomplishment.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get your home tidy and cleaned, give your mind a boost and treat yourself with new carafe, laundry basket, clock or even that one favorite chair... something to embrace that happy Spring feeling!

- Vivian -


All products above are available at Flinders.be