Easy instagram hashtag tip


Social media has become a big part of our work and we love to share what we are working on and doing and explore instagram to get inspired. Finding the balance in this is key to us and putting away our phone is so important to do. But when we use it we want to use it well and our contributor Barbara is a master in finding trends, tips and tricks about social media.


Today will be the first trick, and it's all about hashtags. 

What would Instagram be without it's hashtags? I remember the first time I saw people post words with this weird icon in front of it. The thing on my keyboard I never knew what to use it for.. What does it mean? And more importantly why? And before I could blink my eye they we're everywhere and I was using it like it has always been this way. But it's not. 

I googled it today and the first real use of the hashtag was in 2007. The American Nate Ritter used it to report on forest fires in California on twitter. Twitter then thought, that's a marvelous idea! Let's use it as hyperlinks, this way our users can more easily search on specific words and subjects. Soon Instagram and Facebook followed. En tadaaa today we can't imagine a hashtag free life..

Even though sometimes we would really like to take a break from it. Because let's be honest, especially on Instagram the use of hashtags is like a mix between rocket science and hocus-pocus. Numerous of sites and bloggers have a daytime job keeping up with the hashtag business and inform others what's the current best way to use them. Because hashtags are the way to expand your reach to new audiences. Creating your hashtag strategy is critical to reaching the people who might be looking for you.

In the beginning of 2018 I've received lots of messages about the 5-hashtag rule. The Instagram algorithm would favor that opposed to the countless ones most people we're using. And when you have a thriving Instagram site these are the things you want to know and stay on top of. Only to find out that the whole 5-hastag rule is already overboard and now you can go back to posting as many a you like. 

And I'm not even talking about which hashtags to use. Because that alone takes an entire new post.

So let's stay with using as many hashtags as you favor. How do you use them on your Instagram? Do you make a post and then start typing them as you go along? Or do you have a list in 'notes' (like a have) that you can copy paste into your post? Maybe you even have more lists of hashtags you use. One for your food, one for travels and ofcourse one or two for interior design.


Hashtag shortcut

Now did you know that you can make shortcuts for your list(s)? The iPhone hack that makes hashtagging so much easier! In essence you make a shortcut on your phone, that allows you to just to type in 1 word and your entire list of hashtags shows up where you want them! It's so much easier to just show you how it works, so take a look at this video!

Happy tagging! Let me know if this hack made your day by leaving your comments below.


- Barbara