Lotta Agaton for Vallonia
Before reading an article at Residence magazine yesterday, I already saw a sneakpeek of the latest project of Lotta Agaton Interiors at her IG account and I was attracted immediately by the amazing styling work, the used color scheme, the contrast and the elegant glass walls in industrial style that we see more and more these days.
These crafted steel framed walls offers a timeless design and a completely new perspective to divide space in my opion so I was really inspired by the use of these dividers designed by Swedish company Vallonia, and eager to know more about them when I started looking for information.
Vallonia has released exclusive collections of glass and steel room divisions since 2016. The latest collection, Lumiere, is believed to be inspired by La belle époque, a period characterized by optimism and prosperity, Vallonia has created a collection where light plays the lead role. The collection blends french luxury with contemporary Scandinavian design will come as glass and steel, and in three different colors: Night Black, Velvet Gray and Cloud White. I think the sharp and subtle aesthetics of the powder coated steel in combination of wide glass panels is an elegant way to provide privacy between spaces without creating isolation what do you think? You will find more information about the collection here
photos Ragnar Ómarsson via Residence.se