New prints from Molly Kyhl for The Posterclub


The Posterclub launched their new collection a collaboration with Copenhagen-based artist Molly Kyhl. She designed exclusively for the Posterclub beautiful and colorful designs. THe work process from Molly is playful that result in a characteristically light hearted expression and colour pallette.

Molly Kyhl is a Copenhagen-based designer, she works with 2 and 3 dimensions with illustrations, graphic design, art direction, set design and more. Molly combinates manual and digital processes in to a visual lanquage which is most often playful and simple. For her audience she uses children and grown up children. The aducations that she has followed are Visual communication on The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, BA Typo/Graphic design on the Londen College of Communication London and MA Communication Art & Design on the Royal College of Art in London.

The designs from Molly Kyhl for The Posterclub are available on our webshop.


Autumn 2022 - ZARA home stories


Friday Mood