byKlipKlap furniture


Since I became a mother, I love to rearrange our home and to create cozy corners for our little girl and secretly I can wait for her to grow up ( well not to fast ) so she is able to create her own favorite corners. The furniture of the Danish brand by KlipKlap is perfect for these kind of corners - Vivian. 


Fulfilling multiple purposes will always be a top priority for by KlipKlap. The mattress from by KlipKlap is not just a mattress, but an elegant multifunctional piece of furniture that can be used as both a couch, a guest bed, a romp and play mattress, lounge furniture and as an ottoman or pouffe. And it looks pretty good in your home as well!

The idea for our KK 3 fold play mattress was conceived in 2011 because of a need in the owner Pia Lauritsen’s life. She was searching for a big mattress where her son could develop and strengthen his motor skills. She searched stores and the internet for a big play mattress in an elegant design and of long-lasting quality. Only thing was that she could not find any. 

Today, the KK 3 fold works as a multifunctional piece of furniture for the entire family when you fold it in different ways. Over time a wide range of exclusive products have been designed such as our wooden collection with for example the daybed, bench and console table which all have a variety of functions and design styles.


There mission remains to create furniture that invites to and requires children’s motor development so they experience joy from both physical development and development of motor skills. In our world, this does not prevent the furniture from being a delight to the eye and usable for other family members as well.

The KK 3 fold play mattress and the kids chair are both available in our shop